Protective Medicine introduces the convergence of private Security, close Protection & personalized Medicine.
Protective Medicine offers discreet protective-medical care for those seeking enhanced access to private health-protection.
Protective Medicine delivers advanced-practice emergency medical care for the patient, protectee, or protector who seeks enhanced access to health-protection amid discreet and/or protective care settings.
In short, Protective Medicine can be described as a medical subspecialty dedicated to a patient’s health-security and protected interest. Integrating leading practices found in concierge, preventive, occupational, and emergency medicine with protective security and emergency medical services, Protective Medicine provides enhanced access to advanced care when and where traditional care or services may not otherwise be available.
Whether you’re (1) an individual or family who values the best of health-protection for those in your home; (2) a public or private office looking to better protect and care for your workforce; or (3) an executive or dignitary seeking professional, discreet, and advanced-practice protective-care when and where you need it most, Protective Medicine is for you.
Protective Medicine includes, but is not limited to:
Protective Paramedicine is the Physician-directed practice of Protective Medicine delivered by the Protective Paramedic.
EMERGILITY® is the first private Security, Protection & Emergency Medical Services Agency to formally practice Protective Medicine.
Protective Medicine, delivered by way of private Security, Protection & Emergency Medical Services
Protective Medicine
You’re sick. You can’t fight traffic. You have so much to do. But you need to protect your health. Imagine, urgent, emergency, and protective brought to you!
Time is money. Work never stops. Deadlines are approaching. The show must go on. Business continuity requires your health protection. We’re here to help!
Be courageous. Travel freely with peace of mind. We help client-patients navigate travel security, protection, and medical concerns so travel can be enjoyed!
In protective security environments, protection cannot exist in the absence of medicine. No matter the threat or risk, medicine should always be a protected priority.
Sporting events are exciting, entertaining, and revenue generating. Protecting athletes and spectators against accidents and injuries is a must for the show to go on!
It’s just you and the great outdoors, and maybe a lion, tiger, or bear if you’re lucky! What could possibly go wrong? Don’t worry, we can help you prepare!
The best of public security is achieved through public-private partnerships. Protective Paramedic integration adds advance-practice capabilities for protected assets!
Most events offer unarmed security, First Aid and maybe an EMT. But that’s for the entire venue! What if you had private, dedicated protection and care just for you?
Slips, trips, and falls. We’ve all been there. Hot and cold environments. Seasonal Allergies. Bad weather. Who will come to on-site to treat you and your team? We will!
Paramedicine is the Physician-directed practice of Medicine at the intersection of healthcare, emergency management, public health, and public safety by way of Emergency Medical Services
Paramedicine includes advanced-practice speciality areas such as Community Paramedicine, Concierge Paramedicine, Protective Paramedicine, etc.
Protective Paramedicine is the Physician-directed practice of Protective Medicine (PSS-EMS), which includes fully-integrated advanced-practices found in Community Paramedicine & Concierge Paramedicine
Protective Security is our risk-based practice of protecting an asset against a broad range of physical, industrial, environmental, social, geo-political, or medical threats and risks.
Protective Intelligence is our proactive and protective approach designed to identify and exploit threats through investigations, information analysis, and intelligence synthesis.
Protective Medicine is our novel approach that delivers private, urgent, and emergency medical services to minimize medical-vulnerabilities in private and protective care settings.
Copyright © 2015-2025 Emergility, LLC; d.b.a., EMERGILITY® - All Rights Reserved.
VA DCJS ID: 11-18032 | VA OEMS Agency Code: 50537 | EM/EMS NPI: 1932874096
Security | Protection | Medicine