Risk is the potential of harm, in consideration of impact and probability.
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Assets include persons (You!), places, or things having a positive value to a protected client
Threat is a person or circumstance having potential to harm you (the asset)
Impact is the damage following a successful assault or exploitation of you (the asset)
Vulnerability is any weakness that can be exploited by a threat to harm you (the asset)
Probability is the likelihood a vulnerability will be exploited by a threat to harm you (the asset)
Risk is the potential of harm to you (the asset), in consideration of impact and probability.
The process of identifying, characterizing, analyzing, and determining a potential or credible threat, to include threat vulnerability, faced by you (the asset)
The process of determining the probability of a threat successfully exploiting a vulnerability and the impact on you (the asset). This assessment informs protection measure selection.
Appetite and tolerance represent the amount of risk or exposure a client, owner, or organization is willing to accept, taking into consideration the costs and benefits of protection across various risk groups.
Once risks have been identified and assessed, and the risk appetite & tolerance has been established, a risk management strategy is selected: accept, avoid, reduce, transfer (i.e. insurance), etc.
Protective Security is our risk-based practice of protecting an asset against a broad range of physical, industrial, environmental, social, geo-political, or medical threats and risks.
Protective Intelligence is our proactive and protective approach designed to identify and exploit threats through investigations, information analysis, and intelligence synthesis.
Protective Medicine is our novel approach that delivers private, urgent, and emergency medical services to minimize medical-vulnerabilities in private and protective care settings.
Our approach in security, protection, and medicine is Risk-informed.
Risk is a product of threat, vulnerability, and impact. To minimize a risk, a protection measure (private medical, security, etc.) is employed to reduce or eliminate a threat by reducing vulnerability.
To determine what protection measure is best for a given protected asset (You), the client-owner must determine collaboratively with our team how much risk they are willing to accept, aligned with how much they are willing to spend on each protection measure.
This process must be objective, transparent, and evidence-based in order to make informed decisions.
More often than not, the cost of failing to protect is far greater than protection cost & fees.
Copyright © 2015-2025 Emergility, LLC; d.b.a., EMERGILITY® - All Rights Reserved.
VA DCJS ID: 11-18032 | VA OEMS Agency Code: 50537 | EM/EMS NPI: 1932874096
Security | Protection | Medicine